Debunking the Latest Drug Addiction Recovery Myths

7 Mar, 2022
drug addiction recovery

Did you know that there have been over 700K deaths due to a drug overdose since 2000? Or, that 19.4 percent of people have used an illicit drug at some point in their life?

With everything in the news, it probably doesn’t surprise you that there is an ongoing epidemic in the United States. There’s a need for treatment and for people to have the opportunity for drug addiction recovery.

Unfortunately, there are various factors that can at times make getting the addiction treatment you need difficult. Beyond the availability of treatment, though, there lurks another factor.

There are some common myths that exist that can at times keep people from seeking the treatment they need. Keep reading to find out what they are and learn the truth as we debunk these myths.

I’ll Lose My Job if I Go to Rehab

It’s quite possible you’ll eventually lose your job if you don’t go to rehab. Even if you’re a functioning addict currently, it’s hard to maintain that status when you’re caught in the grips of addiction.

But, the belief that you’ll be fired if you go to rehab is mostly a myth. Substance abuse disorders are covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA protects people who work in state or local government and people who work for companies with 15 or more employees.

Take the time to check with your company and see what kind of policies they have in place for sick leave and if they have an EAP. When you do go to rehab, it could get covered under FMLA. You do not have to tell your boss why you need FMLA, and you can work discreetly with HR at your company.

It’s up to you how much information you’re comfortable disclosing. Make sure you’re aware of what’s covered under ADA and how it protects you.

Here’s where the exception comes into play, if you test positive for illicit drugs, your employer can fire you. They can also fire you if you return to work and you’re unable to do your job safely and completely.

Going to Rehab Again Is a Waste of Time

Have you gone to rehab already? Do you think it’s a waste of time to go a second, third, or fourth time? That’s a myth.

You’ve already learned so much about addiction, and that gives you a head start. But, just because you’ve been through a program before doesn’t mean it’s a waste of time.

Think of going back as a refresher course. This gives you the time to get sober again and work with counselors on what triggered your relapse, and how to combat that in the future.

Going to rehab again is about a shift in perspective from blaming yourself to figuring out what you can learn from it. Relapse is not a failure; it’s simply part of the disease.

Rehab Will Be an Easy Quick Fix, and I’ll Be Cured

Rehab isn’t easy. During treatment, you will go through detox, counseling, fight cravings, and potentially fight your own demons. Rehab is when you begin doing the hard work.

In addition, you’re not cured after treatment. When you go home, you’ll need to continue to be vigilant.

You’ll need to continue leaning on supports created and have an aftercare plan in place. Recovery is an ongoing process, and even with a solid plan in place, it’s possible you can relapse.

I Can’t Afford Treatment

There is a financial cost that comes with treatment and going to a drug rehabilitation center. However, if you have insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), substance use treatment is listed as an “essential health benefit.”

Because of that, your insurance can’t deny coverage for treating an existing substance abuse disorder. In addition, the plan can’t impose lifetime or even yearly coverage limits.

Even if you don’t have insurance through ACA, contact your insurance company and ask them what they cover.

But I Don’t Have Insurance

If you don’t have insurance, there are still options available. Some treatment centers offer a sliding scale. With this, what you pay gets based on your income.

You can also pay for rehab using medical credit cards, personal loans, medical loans, or crowdfunding. There are options available if you are willing to look for them.

The cost of addiction treatment can feel high, but the cost of not getting treatment is higher.

I Can Do It on My Own

The first thing we want to touch on here is that different types of addictions will look different when it comes to detox. Depending on what drugs you’re using, detox can be dangerous.

It’s important to work with a provider so that you can detox in a safe environment. However, beyond that, even if you can safely detox, you can’t do it on your own. Mental health and anxiety will tell you lies and you need help to retrain your neuropathways to have healthier thoughts and tools for dealing with negative voices in your head.

You need the support of a community around you. You need emotional and physical support. Emotional support will require people who can be a shoulder to cry on.

While physical support can be as small as someone who can help you with the basics, like a run to the grocery store. You’ll also need positive feedback in the form of constructive criticism and encouragement, essentially someone to be the voice outside your head, when the voice inside is lying and telling you that you can’t do it.

Finally, you’ll need education. Education on how to get sober and stay sober and how to begin rebuilding relationships that were injured.

Find Drug Addiction Recovery Today

Don’t let the myths around drug addiction recovery keep you from getting the treatment you need. You matter, and we want to support you in your journey to recovery.

Are you ready to get treatment? Or, do you just have questions? Contact us today to find out more about the recovery solutions we offer.

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